So I have a Reflux Princess. Like, I'm pretty sure her picture accompanies the word reflux in the dictionary. ..Well..that may be a slight exaggeration, but we change a lot of bibs/clothes, and we go through a million burp rags.
We just took our little Reflux Princess (RP) in for her latest well-check this past week. The doctor that I had actually scheduled the appointment with is not who we saw...which confused me, but I have no problems with any of the doctors in this practice. I was going to ask Dr. H if we could discuss coming off the Nutramigen, the depressingly expensive formula she was put on for the reflux. Originally, after we'd upped her meds dosage and switched her to this, he told us that if she was doing well, she might could come off it at 4 months. The doctor we ended up seeing said 6 months. Bummer.
Of course you want to do whatever is necessary to keep your Little Ones healthy and happy, but you do hope and pray that it comes at the least possible expense. I was ready to tough it out another two months when I ran into a friend of mine at church, whose Little One is the same age as our RP and has had similar issues. My friend told me that she and her husband had decided, on their own, to take their son off of Nutramigen since they really didn't notice a difference. They recommended the Target brand of Similac's formula for fussiness and gas...aka "The Pink Can".
I actually feel like we did notice a difference on the Nutramigen, but since we had switched formulas and upped her meds dosage all at the same time, I have often wondered if both changes were controlling her reflux, or if maybe it was just one or the other. What if it was just the $10/month reflux meds that is controlling the reflux? What if we don't have to pay $35/week for the stinkiest formula (that STAINS!) known to man? Hey...I was willing to give it a shot. Worst case scenario? She pukes like she hasn't puked in months and we resignedly go back to the Nutramigen.
So, with my new strategy in place, I picked up my RP from daycare and promptly headed to our nearest Target. This is a theory worth testing. Admittedly, I entered into my new gameplan with trepidation. I mean...if I'm wrong about this, it means a VERY fussy exorcist baby. Nevertheless, I figured this was the perfect time to try it out. I had about a day's worth of Nutramigen left. So, if this theory fails, I've got enough for a round of back up bottles. And if not, if she seems to do okay on this, I can say adios to the money pit that is Nutramigen. I can say goodbye to the nasty protein stains that may or may not come out of my already limited wardrobe. I can say au revoir to the nasty stink of the fluffy, powdery, yet somehow sticky, formula.
It is now 8:45 pm, and we are almost 2 hours, post Target formula. So far, the only puke to speak of came up with her burps, which is normal. Better yet, she's relaxed and asleep in her bouncy seat. So far, so good. I'm hoping that this works. I'm praying that this works. In fact, I did lift Layla and the new formula up to God before I fed her. I know that when you switch to a new formula, seeking results of some kind, it takes a few/several days to see results. And so it was when we started the Nutramigen. I'm hoping and praying that the same is not true for coming off of it. If this isn't going to work, I want to know as soon as possible. I'm desperately praying that God will show me as quickly as possible if she can tolerate this new formula or if we need to head back to the Nutramigen.
Formula stories aside, today L's daycare director told me that she's never met such a vain baby; of course she wasn't being serious. But she said she's never noticed a baby so enamored with their own reflection, and she did not recall Big Sister being so fascinated with her own reflection. The daycare recently donated their cribs to an orphanage in Mexico, since they were getting new ones. These new ones are very nice, and one whole end of them has a mirror on it. Marcia told me that she was rocking a baby while L was hanging out in her crib, and she happened to look up and notice L just staring at herself in her mirror and just smiling and beaming. ...Totally taken with herself. lol I'm glad to know my sweet girl has such high self-esteem. I can't remember the last time I looked into a mirror and couldn't take my eyes off myself. ....Usually I can't take them off me fast enough! lol Always something to critique. Of course, I don't want L to actually be vain and self-concerned, but I would very much like it if she were happy about who she is.
...Looks like the end of this post is calling. Someone is trying to squirm out of their bouncy seat. Prayers that this is just someone deciding that she's ready for a new pastime and not someone's tummy deciding it's not happy.
Hope your Monday went well. Mondays, it seems, have a terrible rap for being sucky. So if your day fell into that category...hey. Tomorrow's Tuesday. :)
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