Monday, February 13, 2012

Pound the Rock

Pound the rock. A sports metaphor. That was the message that we walked away with from the staff meeting shortly after the Christmas break. Keep going. Keep trying. Don't give up. Try something new. Pound the rock.

I can't lie. Some days I feel like I've pounded the rock until nothing remains but residual powder. ...But that's usually when my "rock" miraculously regenerates itself. ...And I can continue to pound away. :)

I feel blessed to be a teacher at a campus that puts the kids first. A campus that continually tries to seek out new and innovative ideas to reach and engage our kids. And boy am I glad I'm not alone in that endeavor, because at times, it is physically exhausting and mentally draining.

You know how, when you're looking for something at the store--something you made a special trip for, no less--and you can't see it? ...You think to yourself, and this happened to me tonight actually, 'If I stand here long enough, the item I am so hopelessly searching for will appear.' Sometimes I feel that way about seeking out new ways to reach my kids. I find a quiet place that guarantees no interruptions, which is usually the shower, and I put my mind on the problem, and I stand there, and I think. And I think. And I'm convinced that if I stand there long enough and focus my all my inner Jedi Power on the issue, that an epiphany, wholly new and never thought of before, will spring to the forefront of my mind, rendering the issue at hand powerless. ...And then I will be sought out by teachers the world over to teach them my fail-proof techniques.

That sounds amazing, but that will probably never happen. Too many papers to grade, lessons to plan, and kids to manage to have time to have epiphanies of that nature, which is why I am beyond grateful that there are people out there to have epiphanies for me.

Enter the awesome Webinar Series our staff has done the past two weeks.

Blessed are those who have time to research, for other teachers will surely prosper.
-Teaching Proverb by Amanda-

Tonight I walked away from our staff meeting feeling truly rejuvinated and ready to tackle my tricky student behaviors, and I found myself trying to figure out a way to get my family out of the house for a couple nights so I could wholly envelope myself in a cocoon of creativity and ingenuity...and probably some markers and poster board, too. :)

While that probably won't happen (and it's not entirely bad; I ADORE my family), I do have some fresh new, research-based techniques that I can't wait to try with my kids. And just in time, too. Did you know the Reading STAAR test is a mere FIVE. WEEKS. AWAY?! I am expecting my usual TAKS Twitch, to be re-named "STAAR Twitch" to return shortly. ...Every year for the past few years, right before state testing, I get a twitch under my left eye. Google says it could be a tumor. But I highly suspect otherwise. Google has a tendency to over-exaggerate, for one. And secondly, if it is a tumor, it only occurs around the time of state testing. And since I've yet to hear of selective tumors, my money's on the STAAR Test, formerly TAKS. 

I like to think that when I'm conversing with a student, and they notice my hideous twitch, that they are terrified into submission and think to themselves, 'Man. This stuff must be seroius if she's twitching at me!' ...In reality, I probably just look like an idiot with an eye twitch...if they notice it, and I pray they don't. One year a kid did. I try to maintain a safe distance from students now, when the twitch is in full effect; best not to scare them. lol

But, for the time being, I remain twitchless, with a Bag of Tricks that has just been freshly filled. Like a blank page invites the writer to create, so this bag inspires me to get creative with my kids. To try something new...which ironically isn't new at all, however profound the ideas. To keep pounding the rock. 

So tomorrow, if you see me with a pick ax and a safety helmet, please don't call security on me. I'm just pounding the rock. :)

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