Monday, February 20, 2012

A "Me Day" and Nostalgic Moments

Today was President's Day. Yay presidents! Or, more accurately, YAY, day to myself! I have not had an entire day to myself, myself, in I don't know how long. To say that I haven't been fully alone in years is probably not a stretch. I'm pretty sure the last thing that comes remotely close to qualifying is the time I spent last June at a conference in Dallas for work. But that was for work, and I was really only alone once I got back to my hotel for the evening. I've been looking forward to today like a kid waits for Santa.

I should have planned out my time better, though. How foolish of me. I knew this day was approaching, this blessed miraculous day, where I am the only one who has the day off and the daycare is open. I had a laundry list of things I wanted to do today:
  • Sing at the top of my lungs (check)
  • Clean/re-organize my closet
  • Sew (almost got there)
  • Take a nap (check!)
  • Control the remote (check)
  • Workout (check)
  • Eat a pan of Krispie treats with no one around to judge me (still on my bucket list)
 Obvioiusly, not all of the items on my list were accomplished by the time I heard the garage door announce the arrival of the rest of my family, conclusively ending my "Me Day". And I can't quite account for what I did in between the few items on my list that were accomplished. Well, that's not true. I do know. I meandered through my day and took my time at every turn. Meandering through your day will waste a lot of time.

Maybe if I had planned better, made a schedule, complete with time limits. ...Then, maybe, I could have accomplished more. The next time one of these days rolls around again, I'll be better prepared.  I'll know the difference between being productive and enjoying my day and "meandering".

In other news, my girls keep growing. Can't believe B will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. I remember carrying her to the baby room in her daycare, totally in awe of the big kids in the back of the building. I remember thinking how foreign that world seemed to me:  playgrounds, macaroni art, and circle time. And now, it's time to start thinking about backpacks, lunch boxes, and school supplies. I've already started talking to her about how after this spring, she won't go to her daycare anymore. I think she'll be fine, what I'm worried about is the fact that she probably won't see most of those kids in her class again. She's already had two "best friends" move/go to a different school, and she's adjusted fine, but she still asks about and misses them.

L is getting close to sitting up on her own, and I think scooting around the floor, and hopefully, a tooth. She always has a ready smile on her face, a grin that spreads from ear to ear, making her eyes light up and radiate. Gosh, I can't believe how big she's getting! It seems like yesterday I was holding her in my arms in my hospital bed, shortly to be followed by the weeks of frustration while we figured out the reflux thing. Although, at the time, that seemed like months, many hellish months.

I know that I'll blink, and she'll be in Kindergarten too, though. How do they grow up so fast? And how does time go by so slowly in the eye of the child? I love my husband, my kids, my life. But sometimes I desperately miss the familiarity and security of childhood. My bright, open bedroom. The sounds of my brothers playing in the living room. The smell of Mom making dinner in the kitchen, and the sounds of Dad strumming his guitar. I remember thinking it would be FOREVER until I was big enough to do this, or old enough to do that. And now I'm the adult. And B is the one who can't wait to get big.

Sometimes I wish you could DVR life. Rewind and relive all the great moments over and over again. Moments that everyone takes for granted and no one fully appreciates, at least not for several years.

Wow. This post made a bee-line for Nostalgia Way; was not expecting that. It's probably time to end this post anyway, since I can see a little someone about to wiggle her sleeping self out of her bouncy seat. Time to get swaddled and head to bed, and I probably won't be far behind. Goodnight. :)

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