After Spring Break.
Before the STAAR Test.
I was not looking forward to today, and today did not disappoint. Monday was everything I thought it would be. And maybe it was a bit of a self-fufilling prophecy, so I'll try to be in a better frame of mind tomorrow, but today was rough. We're gearing up and trying to review for the state test next week. This is always tough ground to cover; the kids get antsy. And really, the teachers do, too.
So I've been doing this Boot Camp for three weeks now. Well, really today was the first day of my third week, but whatever. I am loving it. I cannot physically see the results yet, although the scale and my tape measure tell me that it's working. I just can't see it in myself. It was nice to have three co-workers stop and tell me that whatever I was doing was working. Yay! That was the boost today that I needed. Well, and chocolate. What can I say? I am a stress eater. Not the best thing to be, but it is what it is.
After a rough start to the morning, I was determined to locate and consume whatever chocolate I could find on campus. At lunch, I headed to the teacher's workroom to raid the vending machines. I actually had some change today. This never happens. Lunch was going to end happy.
Lunch did not end happy. Marching triumphantly up to the vending machine, a slew of quarters in hand, I looked over the offerings behind the glass. Slim pickings. Other teachers must be stressed, too. Good. I'm not alone. I finally decided on a package of Reese's cups. 85 cents. Done. I deposited my quarters purposefully into the machine and searched out the buttons. I punched in "D", located "4", and punched it in with gleeful anticipation. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing.
And that's when I noticed the discreet message reading across the digital display, "Deposit exact change."
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! All I had was quarters! I entered the "Denial" stage in the 5 Stages of Grief scale and punched in the numbers again, sure that the error was not my own. My attempt was in vain. The same results. I stood, in front of the machine, staring despondently at my coveted Reese's cups sitting pretty behind the glass. With a sigh, I stooped down to scoop my quarters out of the change return and headed back to class, wholly defeated and chocolateless.
I know it was for the best. Stress eating is not the way to go, but it is a great way to undo the good I have been doing the last two weeks (plus today). I ate my carrots and tuna fish sandwhich knowing I was better off....
Chocolateless, I went back to class, determined to try to move past my disappointment. The rest of the day consisted of ups and downs. Mine. The kids. Monday's. Tomorrow will be better, I'm sure. I hope. Because I won't have exact change tomorrow, either. ;-)
In other news, my girls are getting huge! B is a bonafide "High School Musical (1, 2, and 3)" fan. During Spring Break while I was in another room cleaning, I heard her singing along with one the Gabriella and Troy duets. I was torn between laughing quietly to myself that she was so into this movie and knew the songs and disgust that she'd seen it enough times (and we'd allowed it) that she knew the words. But I remember being a kid and watching movies so repetitively that they are forever burned into the back of my brain. Besides, I have seen all three of the HSMs. There are worse things for her to be watching. And there are even redemptive qualities in the antagonists in these movies, and B and I have talked about this. ...Specifically about how mean Sharpay can be. Luckily, this is something that she has picked up on her own. Good girl! ..I can overlook the fact that Sunday she requested that I do her hair like Sharpay's for church. lol
L is now 6 months and growing like a weed, although she's not nearly as "weedy" as her big sister. While B has always maintained her position at top of, or off of, her growth charts, L is holding her own right around the 50% mark. I'm kinda thinkin' she's not gonna be joining the Tall Ranks with her sister and her Daddy. She and I can hang out in Average Land together. ;)
We're trying to wean her off her Prevacid in hopes that she no longer needs it. So far, so good. We're just giving her one pill a day now, instead of two. Eventually we'll take it down to one, every other day. But considering we just refilled it, I'm in no hurry. Unfortunately, she had a SUPER pukey weekend! She didn't seem bothered by the puke, which is good. It means that she's doing okay on just one pill of Prevacid. And, of course, the reflux medications do not do anything to correct how much or how often she pukes. It's purpose is to keep her comfortable. ...Not sure what the influx of puke means, but she's welcome to stop whenever!
She can sit now. She's definitely not a "Weeble". ...You know, "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down."
But, she is sitting. She's getting better. I usually like to keep my hands up, just in case. And after about a minute or so, she usually topples over, but she's getting there. Won't be long before she's crawling! She does excellent baby push ups. This weekend, I went so far as to shove her legs up underneath her to see if I couldn't jump start the process. She would rock back and forth for a bit and then slowly sink back down to the ground, face first. lol
..And with that, I'm off. Today can only get better, and tomorrow is a fresh start! :)
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